So, what if I work from home!

I'm a mother of three, a wife and a business owner. Oh, and I just happen to be lucky enough to have a flexible enough schedule to allow me to focus on what is truly the most important to me. Don't get me wrong, I love what I do but what I do not love is the assumptions others make about me and my decisions, so I put together a list of this I (and most likely others) wish you knew about being a stay at home parent, working for pay or otherwise.

1. I'm not just lazy. I made the choice to stay home because it was what was best for my family and my kids, not because I just didn't feel like going to work. I graduated from high school. I completed years of college. I've had jobs but I chose to work the most important position I have ever been offered, full time and primary caregiver.

2. No, despite what you've heard, I do not love house work. In fact, I pretty much hate cleaning and there are generally more then one time a week I don't want to cook.

3. My house is not always clean...and that does not mean I'm lazy. If my house of three kids ranging from less then one to sixteen were always spotless, I'd never be able to do anything but clean....and I do, in fact, other other things to do with my time.

4. I do far more during the day then playing on Netflix, Facebook and playing video games. Ok, maybe I do some of that, but I also clean, cook, run a business, break up fights, help kids with homework, make appointments, go to said appointments  and, most importantly, keep my family alive.

5.I  am not a bad mother because I do not make home made, organic meals and snacks for my family every day. Sometimes pizza sounds like the best food ever created. Sometimes I'm tired and don't have the energy or I don't want to mess up the kitchen I just cleaned. Sometimes some throw together meal or take out will just have to do...and I'm fine with that.

6. No. I do not have time for another big project. You can not count on me to be at every school event volunteering. I will not coach that sports team and I will not do every DIY project I see on Pinterest. Just because I don't work outside the home does NOT mean I have an extra eight hours day to fill with your stuff. I'm not just being anti-social because I don't do it all, I just don't have the time. I'm busy. I have a lot going on. Some days, I can't even make it into the bathroom to shower let alone put the time and energy necessary to do take on your list of projects, too.

7. I am not a saint. I don't have all of the patience in the world. My kids do drive me nuts sometimes. I do cringe at the idea of yet another homework packet after the week before was such a nightmare. I do sometimes need a break (and I deserve one) from my kids. I've just realized that, for me, I'd rather be driven crazy by my kids then anyone else and I choose to do what makes me happy.

8. Just because I do not work outside of the home does not mean that I don't work. I do. I work my butt off. My work just never ends, and it doesn't result in a paycheck I can take to the bank every two weeks. But, please, don't confuse my lack of leaving my home for a conventional paycheck for a lack of work or effort because the two are not the same thing!

Did I leave out something? Leave your additions to the list in the comments!
